Merry Christmas from Netsoft

It is satisfying to reflect upon Netsoft’s achievements this year, as 2015 reaches closure. New staff joined us this year and we have continued to establish relationships with new customers.   

Justine Twemlow now heads up Sales and Marketing. Her background in technical sales working with Government/Enterprise Business to SMB is a significant advantage in selling the Netsoft’s suite of products.

Nigel Guthrie has come on board, taking up the role of product manager. Nigel has 30 years’ experience in technology businesses. Nigel’s skills are heavily weighted toward operational roles, with experience encompassing the management of technical and administrative teams, plus service delivery, account and project management.

2015 saw a variety of new Netsoft clients including Christie Centre, Trio Support, New Era, Ngati Hine Health Trust, Lavendar Blue, and Presbyterian Support Otago.

Another significant 2015 addition to Netsoft’s portfolio of clients, Geneva Healthcare, will drive substantial changes within Care~Call that will lead to the emergence of a premium apex product for the NZ market; this is due to the Geneva implementation using a new version of Care~Call that uses the Microsoft SQL server platform.

Netsoft have responded to two key requirements from MOH. We have developed in conjunction with our clients, IBT functionality, and more recently Vulnerable Client that includes upgraded functionality and reporting.

The launch of Remote Worker with RDNS this year proved hugely successful. We have worked further with RDNS to continue to improve this product and will see it rolled out with a variety of other clients next year.

2016 will see changes in how Res~Call upgrades are rolled out. Going forward we are planning two significant upgrades per year for Res~Call, with the first upgrade planned for March/April. Megan and Justine have been working on Technical documents and have been preparing the road map to determine what features will be included in the first or second upgrades.  

You can expect to see a new look with improved flow, improved functionality for care plans, improvements to the assessment tool, clinical warnings, increased notification and warning options, amongst other things.

We will also be expanding our partner network with MediMap; Toniq, Greentree, MYOB AccountRight and Timetarget in 2016 was well.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our clients and their families a very Happy Christmas and a safe New Year. We thank you for your business in 2015 and look forward to working with you again in the New Year.

Our office will be closed from 23rd December, 2015 and re-opening 5th January, 2016.

Support will be available throughout this time on 09 213 9963 or email